Jason B. Cope
Jason B Cope was a pioneer in the development of TADs, developing the first US TAD with IMTEC Corp. He coined the term Temporary Anchorage Devices and the nomenclature system used to describe TADs.
He also developed the first minimally invasive protocol using drill-free MSI placement with topical anesthetic only, as well as several biomechanically-based TAD clinical protocols – the palatal approach to openbite closure, the facial molar protraction protocol, the use of TADs to temporary replace missing permanent lateral incisors in growing kids, and several TAD-based patents.
Most recently, Dr. Cope’s activities have been focused on the integration of digital 3D data into orthodontic workflows. A specific focus is the merging the intraoral scan with CBCT data to create a functional working model for digital treatment planning and tooth movement in preparation for customized in-office aligner fabrication and delivery and digitally guided bonding. Dr. Cope created CopestheticCE, an ADA CERP recognized online portal for orthodontic CE.