Learn About Remote Monitoring
We’ll share the benefits actual orthodontists are experiencing with remote monitoring. We’ll help you learn how and understand cost considerations. Remote monitoring does not take the place of the orthodontist, rather it is a tool to support patient care in combination with in-person visits.
How remote monitoring can help you increase efficiencies and improve the patient experience.

Improve Patient Convenience
Some patients with busy schedules prefer to utilize technology where possible to enable doctor-oversight of their treatment and fewer visits to the office.

Enhanced Communication
Increases the frequency of doctor-patient communications because scans and messages are being sent weekly or every two weeks instead of the typical every 6-8 week in-office visit. The doctor can still see the patient as frequently as they did before.

Can Reduce Doctor Time
It is possible that remote monitoring can reduce the number of in-person appointments which frees up doctor time to reallocate as they see appropriate.

Issues Addressed Sooner
Issues are identified between visits which can enable the doctor to address and get treatment back on track.

Improves Compliance
Increases patient compliance as patients receive messages with instructions on what to do such as better brushing.

Supplemental Care
Remote monitoring does not take the place of in-person records, nor does it replace all in-person visits. Responsible, remote monitoring is meant to enhance doctor oversight not replace it.
Remote Monitoring Resource Center
Dive into a panel discussion to learn about implementation best practices from your peers.
Remote Monitoring Step-By-Step
See the entire process, step by step.
Financial Considerations
Learn the expense and benefits of remote monitoring.
Financial Considerations
Learn the expense and benefits of remote monitoring.