Learn About Digital Indirect Bonding & Custom Bracket Systems
We’ll share the benefits actual orthodontists are experiencing with Digital Indirect Bonding (DIB), guide you through the process of selecting a bracket system and the digital indirect bonding workflow.
How Digital Indirect Bonding can enhance your practice and patient experience.

Simplified Process
If you have ever done indirect bonding using stone models, digital indirect bonding provides the benefits without the labor-intensive steps of the stone analog method.

Standardized Bracket Placement
Standardization of bracket positioning within multi-doctor practices or in offices when bondings are delegated to staff.

Shorter Bonding Appointment
Reduces chair time required for the initial bonding procedure saving doctor time and improving the patient experience.

Informs Treatment Planning
Clinician can visualize bracket placement and resulting orthodontic movement associated with placement.

Proper Bracket Placement
Ability to view photos and radiographs while placing brackets ensures proper bracket placement.

Compare Treatment Plans
You will be able to create and compare multiple treatment plans.

May Increase Treatment Efficiency
Some clinicians report increased efficiency and decreased treatment time.

Proven Workflows
Effective workflows are already established that you can incorporate into your practice.

3D Printing Is Not Required
If using your standard bracket, you can choose to 3D print trays. Outsourcing is a viable option as the cost and turn-around time have decreased.
DIB Step-By-Step
See the entire process, step by step along with what you will need.
DIB Resource Center
Dive into our library of how-to videos and guides for each step of the process.
Financial Considerations
Learn the expense and benefits of DIB.