How to Load Brackets into DIB Trays
If you have printed DIB trays in-house or have received unloaded third-party trays, follow these steps to load brackets.
Step 1: Gather trays and brackets.
Gather your DIB trays from the light tight case along with the brackets selected to bond initially for patient treatment.
Step 2: Properly load trays from left to right.
Obtain your bracket kit and place the kit with brackets facing upright towards you, ensuring the brackets are placed properly in the kit with the upper right and lower right brackets on your left. Place your DIB trays and orient both the maxillary and mandibular in a horseshoe position (with molars closest to you). When loading a maxillary DIB tray, flip your bracket kit so that the maxillary brackets are now in an upside down position. When loading a mandibular tray, ensure that the brackets remain in the original upright position facing towards you. This will allow you to load your DIB trays from left to right ensuring that the brackets are placed into the trays in the proper orientation.
Step 3: Prepare for bonding.
Use a cotton plier to grab the bracket. It is best to place the cotton plier at the top middle of the bracket to secure the bracket before loading into the tray. If using a flash-free bracket, ensure not to put too much pressure while holding the bracket so that you do not interfere with the mesh pad of the bracket, as this can affect bonding. If you are adding adhesive to brackets, add the adhesive to bracket pad after you have loaded each bracket into the DIB trays.
Step 4: Begin loading, and repeat until fully loaded.
Begin loading the brackets into the tray by placing the bracket at a 45° angle. Place the bottom of the bracket into the bracket slot and roll the bracket into the slot. It is very important that the bracket is placed properly and securely into the slot for proper bracket tooth position when bonding. Repeat these steps until your DIB trays are fully loaded with the brackets.

Keep the AAO TechSelect How to Load Brackets Guide with you.
Digital Indirect Bonding Tray Guides
Digital Indirect Bonding Tray Basics Page
How to Print & Post-Process Trays Page
How to Print & Post Process Trays PDF Guide
How to Load Brackets into DIB Trays Page
How to Load Brackets into DIB Trays PDF Guide
Clinical Considerations for Successful Bonding PDF Guide